Creating a Bold Vision for the Public Health Accreditation Board

The Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) serves as the leading accrediting authority and body for public health agencies and departments at the local and state level. Elemental worked with the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB) at a time when public health was very much in media and political crosshairs as the world was emerging from the COVID pandemic. Through a series of individual and collaborative sessions with PHAB’s senior team, our organizations worked to identify and establish a Bold Vision for the organization that will then serve as the organizing principle for PHAB’s strategic plan, corresponding activities and investments of time, talent and treasure. This required our team to blend tested strategic planning methods with new ways of assessing public sentiment and innovating for the future of public health services. Their resulting Bold Vision served as the anchor for the soon to be launched strategic plan and helped PHAB secure millions in funding from the CDC.